
Changes to the Pharmacy Location Rules

Written by Peter Ryan | 22/10/18 11:28 AM

The main changes to the Pharmacy Location Rules are as follows:

  1. Pharmacies will have greater flexibility to relocate out of a large shopping centre. The straight line distance required from other existing pharmacies not located in the shopping centre will reduce from 500m to 300m;
  2. Amendments to prevent pharmacists relocating out of a large shopping centre and immediately applying to establish a new pharmacy in that same centre. The rules will prevent the establishment of a new pharmacy in the shopping centre within a 12 month period;
  3. Reducing the straight line distance required between a proposed new large medical centre pharmacy and other existing pharmacies from 500m to 300m;
  4. Increasing the time that a pharmacist must remain in one location prior to relocating, from two years to five years;
  5. A new rule allowing pharmacies to relocate between 1 km and 1.5 km from their existing location. The new premises is required to be 300m from existing pharmacies (500m from existing pharmacies in a small shopping centre, private hospital or a large medical centre);

If you are contemplating relocating your pharmacy BLG Business Advisers can help. We have assisted a number of our clients with relocations and we can give you the advice you need to make the right decision. Take this opportunity to get in touch with us online or by calling (02) 4221 2299.

*This information is relevant at the time of publishing and is subject to change*