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Preparing Your Business For A Potential Workplace Injury

Any injury at work can be a very stressful time for employers and employees. It is important that both parties understand their rights and their obligations. Outlined below are the key aspects to workers compensation in New South Wales.

Workers Compensation Policy

A workers insurance policy covers employees in the event of a work related injury or illness. The policy will partially cover the following benefits of an injured employee:

  • weekly compensation benefits;
  • medical and hospital expenses;
  • rehabilitation services; and
  • lump sum payment for death or permanent impairment.

Policy Exemptions

Employers in NSW are required to have a workers compensation policy unless they are exempt. An employer is exempt if:

  • they pay less than $7,500 in annual wages; and
  • they don’t employ trainees and apprentices; and
  • they are not a member of a group of employers.

There are serious fines and penalties if employers do not meet their workers compensation requirements.

Making It Work For Your Business

The goal of the workers compensation system is to support injured workers and their employers whilst the employee recovers from their injury.  As soon as an employee is able to, they must make reasonable efforts to return to work, including suitable alternative duties if practicable.

As with most things in life, communication is critical in the case of an injured worker. Employers and employees should keep in close contact throughout the process to ensure the employee stays engaged and their return to work can be planned effectively.

If an employee is injured at work it is important that the injury is reported to your insurance company within 48 hours. Your insurance company will guide you and the employee through the process.

If you would like some advice or assistance for your business, please get in touch with us online or by calling (02) 4229 2211 today and one of our advisers will be able to help you.

*This information is relevant at the time of publishing and is subject to change*
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