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Luke Bland

Keeping business owners up-to-date and aware. From crucial business information hitting the headlines to shared business expertise on a wide range of areas. Take a break and read on.

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Economic Update and Outlook for the 2025 Financial Year – How will it impact you & your business?

Inflation & Interest Rates

The headline inflation rate for the year ended 30 June 2024...

The Critical Role of Due Diligence when Buying a Business

What is Due Diligence and Why Is It Important?

Due diligence refers to the comprehensive...

Improve Your Business Efficiency in 5 Easy Ways

1. Listen to Your Employees

Your employees are the people keeping your business...

2023 End Of Financial Year Review

Year-To-Date Review

A year-to-date review will provide you with the information you need...

Reality of the Australian Economy heading towards 2023

Estate Planning Step-by-Step – Protect Your Assets & Loved Ones

Shifting the Goal Posts

End of the 2021 Year

Social interactions

Face-to-face catch ups with family will certainly be a priority over...

Changes to Employer Superannuation Obligations for New Employees

JobKeeper - Extension 2 Update


To be eligible, you must demonstrate a decline in turnover of 30% or more for...

JobKeeper & JobSeeker Announced Changes in 2020 & 2021


Today the Federal government has announced the much anticipated changes to the...

Small Business Recovery Grant up to $3,000

What does the grant support?

The aim of the Small Business Recovery Grant is to help...

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