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Play to Your Strengths and Love What You Do

One of the many things that I have learnt from my clients is that they succeed if they do what they are passionate about and what brings them the most satisfaction. You can make significant positive changes to how you live and work if you focus on what you are great at.

Forget your weaknesses pursue your passion.

Often we try and fix our weaknesses when we could be mastering our strengths. In playing to your strengths you will find what you love to do.

Take Steven Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Walt Disney and Albert Einstein, I am sure they all had weaknesses but they chose to focus on the thing that mattered the most. In doing so, they revolutionised the way we do things today.

So in this article I ask, what matters the most to you? What are you good at? In finding out, you may not change the whole world but you can definitely change your own.

What works for me?

Like most of you I have a very hectic life. At home I am a Mum and a Wife, at work I am a Director, a leader to my team and an adviser to my clients. When I reflect on my strengths, I know that I lean on my ability to organise and multitask.

I am a female specialist in what is still largely regarded as a male dominated industry. I do what I am good at, and I love what I do.

I focus my energy and time on the things that matter most, and those things that I can add the most value to. When I do that effectively, I find the rest takes care of itself.

Finding what works for you.

Some hints to help you find what your strengths might be:

  • Reflecting on the past week, month or year about when you were most happy,
  • Remembering when people have commented on something you completed, whether work or otherwise, and the value you added,
  • When did you have that ‘feel good’ moment about what you achieved?

As Steven Jobs said “the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart you’ll know when you find it”.

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