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Keeping business owners up-to-date and aware. From crucial business information hitting the headlines to shared business expertise on a wide range of areas. Take a break and read on.

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The Benefits of Electric Vehicles for Business

Fringe Benefits Tax

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is a tax paid by employers on non-cash...

Federal Government Stage 3 Tax Cuts – What Changes for You?

The below table is a summary of the changes, compared to Scott Morrison’s original stage...

Employee vs Contractor and Obligations

Contractor Misconceptions

Firstly, let's start by dispelling a common misconception in...

Employee Retention - 3 Key Focus Areas

Career Development

Job satisfaction is a key motivator in evoking optimal performance...

Bonuses, Annual Leave Loading & Superannuation


As mentioned earlier, bonuses are typically additional payments given to...

Entertainment, FBT & Exemptions


The ATO deems entertainment to mean a case where a business provides food,...

ATO Cracks Down on Superannuation Guarantee

Superannuation Basics – What and how much?

Employers in Australia generally have an...

Hiring Employees – Preparing & Finding

How to prepare for your first hire

There are a few practical components you need to be...

The Critical Role of Due Diligence when Buying a Business

What is Due Diligence and Why Is It Important?

Due diligence refers to the comprehensive...

Business Insurance - Protecting Against the Unexpected

Workers Compensation Insurance


Injury at work can be a very stressful time...

September Market Update

Lessons from recent Company Reporting

The last year was yet another reminder of just how...

NSW State Budget 2023/24

Tax Reform

  • Stamp duty exemption for Electric Vehicles and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles...
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